Nuprl Lemma : input-forwarding_wf 13,45

es:ES, Cmd:Type, isupdate:(Cmd), In:AbsInterface(Cmd), Sys:AbsInterface(Cmd List).
(E(Inr E(Sys))
 (f:sys-antecedent(es;Sys). input-forwarding{i:l}(esCmdSysisupdateInf 

Upabstract chain replication
Definitions of Statementinput-forwarding{i:l}(esCmdSysisupdateInf)
Definitionss = t, t  T, x:AB(x), x:AB(x), EState(T), a:A fp B(a), f(a), Id, , strong-subtype(A;B), P  Q, Type, EqDecider(T), Unit, left + right, IdLnk, x:A  B(x), EOrderAxioms(Epred?info), kindcase(ka.f(a); l,t.g(l;t) ), Knd, loc(e), kind(e), Msg(M), type List, , val-axiom(E;V;M;info;pred?;init;Trans;Choose;Send;val;time), r  s, e < e', , b, constant_function(f;A;B), SWellFounded(R(x;y)), , pred!(e;e'), x,yt(x;y), <ab>, A, pred(e), first(e), xt(x), P & Q, Top, ES, AbsInterface(A), E(X), !Void(), x:A.B(x), {x:AB(x)} , P  Q, P  Q, f(x)?z, E, sys-antecedent(es;Sys), e c e', (e <loc e'), should-forward(esInisupdatefa), did-forward(esSysfe), x:AB(x), (e < e'), P  Q, [], X(e), [car / cdr], e  X, es-interface-history(esXe), filter(P;l), prior(X), ||as||, nth_tl(n;as), if b then t else f fi , loc(e), let x,y = A in B(x;y), t.1, A c B, False, Atom$n, ff, inr x , tt, inl x , case b of inl(x) => s(x) | inr(y) => t(y), True, f  g, es-vartype(esix), es-state(esi), decl-state(ds), ma-state(ds), x  dom(f), {T}, T, , p =b q, i <z j, i j, (i = j), x =a y, null(as), a < b, x f y, a < b, [d], eq_atom$n(x;y), q_le(r;s), q_less(a;b), qeq(r;s), a = b, a = b, deq-member(eq;x;L), e = e', b, p  q, p  q, p q, Dec(P), b | a, a ~ b, a  b, a <p b, a < b, xLP(x), (xL.P(x)), r < s, q-rel(r;x), Outcome, (x  l), l_disjoint(T;l1;l2), e loc e' , e<e'.P(e), ee'.P(e), e<e'P(e), ee'.P(e), e[e1,e2).P(e), e[e1,e2).P(e), e[e1,e2].P(e), e[e1,e2].P(e), e(e1,e2].P(e), SqStable(P), a =!x:TQ(x), InvFuns(A;B;f;g), Inj(A;B;f), IsEqFun(T;eq), Refl(T;x,y.E(x;y)), Sym(T;x,y.E(x;y)), Trans(T;x,y.E(x;y)), AntiSym(T;x,y.R(x;y)), Connex(T;x,y.R(x;y)), CoPrime(a,b), Ident(T;op;id), Assoc(T;op), Comm(T;op), Inverse(T;op;id;inv), BiLinear(T;pl;tm), IsBilinear(A;B;C;+a;+b;+c;f), IsAction(A;x;e;S;f), Dist1op2opLR(A;1op;2op), fun_thru_1op(A;B;opa;opb;f), FunThru2op(A;B;opa;opb;f), Cancel(T;S;op), monot(T;x,y.R(x;y);f), IsMonoid(T;op;id), IsGroup(T;op;id;inv), IsMonHom{M1,M2}(f), a  b, IsIntegDom(r), IsPrimeIdeal(R;P), A List, input-forwarding{i:l}(esCmdSysisupdateInf)
Lemmassq stable from decidable, decidable assert, ifthenelse wf, eqtt to assert, iff transitivity, eqff to assert, assert of bnot, nth tl wf, length wf1, es-interface-val wf, es-prior-interface wf, squash wf, event system wf, filter wf, es-interface-history wf, false wf, true wf, btrue wf, bfalse wf, es-E-interface-subtype rel, es-causl wf, es-locl wf, es-interface-val wf2, es-is-interface wf, should-forward wf, es-loc wf, did-forward wf, es-causle wf, es-E wf, sys-antecedent wf, es-interface-subtype rel, es-interface wf, es-E-interface wf, deq wf, EOrderAxioms wf, IdLnk wf, Msg wf, unit wf, nat wf, val-axiom wf, qle wf, cless wf, bool wf, top wf, Knd wf, kindcase wf, constant function wf, assert wf, not wf, loc wf, pred! wf, strongwellfounded wf, member wf, rationals wf, Id wf, EState wf, subtype rel wf
